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AM4962 (NRND)

NRND = Not Recommended for New Design

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The AM4962 is a full wave driver IC with direct PWM control function. It is used for single phase motor and is capable of speed control by PWM pulse.


  • The Motor Speed is Control°C by PWM Pulse Directly
  • Built-in Triangle Wave Circuit Without Extra Oscillation Capacitor
  • Built-in Hall Bias Circuit
  • Built-in Minimal Speed Setup Circuit
  • Slope K* Adjustable
  • Rotation Speed Indication (FG)
  • Rotation or Lock State Indication (RD)
  • Built-in Thermal Shutdown Circuit
  • Lock Protection and Auto-restart
  • Output Current Limit
  • Application(s)

  • CPU Cooler Fan in PC
  • Brushless DC Motor Driver
  • Product Specifications

    Product Parameters

    Average OutputDrive Current (mA) -
    Frequency Generator (FG) and Rotation Detect FG and RD
    Hall Bias Voltage (V) 1.25
    Lock Detect, Shut-Down and Auto Start Yes
    Minimum Speed Setting Yes
    Operating Ambient Temperature (°C) -30 to 90
    Operating Voltage (V) 3.5 to 16
    Other Protection Features Over Current Limit Thermal Shutdown
    Peak Output Current (mA) 1000
    Reference Voltage Output (V) -
    Speed Control PWM or VDD and Slope Adjust
    Speed Control Slope Adjust Yes
    SupplyCurrent (mA) 8

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    Product Change Notices (PCNs)

    A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

    PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
    PCN-2672 2024-03-11 2024-09-07 Device End of Life (EOL)