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AP1086 (Obsolete)

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AP1086 is a low dropout positive adjustable or fixed-mode regulator with 1.5A output current capability. The product is specifically designed to provide well-regulated supply for low voltage IC applications such as high-speed bus termination and low current 3.3V logic supply. AP1086 is also well suited for other applications such as VGA cards. AP1086 is guaranteed to have lower than 1.4V dropout at full load current making it ideal to provide well-regulated outputs of 1.25V to 5.0V with 4.7 to 12V input supply by different output voltage.


  • 3-Terminal Adjustable or Fixed 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V,3.3V, 5.0V
  • 1.4V Maximum Dropout at Full Load Current
  • Fast Transient Response
  • Built-in Thermal Shutdown
  • Output Current Limiting
  • Lead Free Packages: TO252-3L, TO263-3L, and TO220-3L
  • TO252-3L: Available in “Green” Molding Compound (No Br, Sb)
  • Lead Free Finish/ RoHS Compliant
  • Product Specifications

    Product Parameters

    Channels 1
    Enable Active N/A
    Features High current,Wide Vin
    IOUT 1.5
    IQ (mA) N/A
    Operating Temperature (Ambient) (°C) 0 to 125* (Junction)
    PSRR 60
    VDROPOUT (Max) 1.4
    VIN (Max) 12
    VIN (Min) -0.3
    VOUT 5, 3.3, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5, ADJ

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