Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions
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AP1635 (Obsolete)

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The AP1635 series are multi-functional step-down DC/DC converters with built-in speed, low ON resistance drivers. It is capable to deliver more than 1.2A output current with external coil, diode and capacitor. Output voltage is set-up by the external resistors. (±2.5% accuracy). The 700KHz AP1635 that can work out with small value external components comes out more compact board. The device switches to and works under PFM mode with light loads. It keeps at high efficiency for both light loads and large output current. AP1635 can be soft-start with a proper capacitor connected between CE/SS pin and ground. The stand-by current is less than 6uA when CE/SS pin is at “LOW” status. The device is forced to switch off as the voltage at that pin is lower than the stipulated voltage.


  • Electronic Information Organizers
  • Palmtops
  • Cellular and portable phones
  • Portable Audio Systems
  • Various Multi-function Power Supplies

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Efficiency (%) 93
Frequency Typ (Hz) 700
HS RDS(ON) (mΩ) 350
MaximumInput Voltage (V) 5
MinimumInput Voltage (V) 2.2
Output Current (mA) 1.2
Output Voltage (V) 2 to VCC ADJ
Quiescent Current Typ (mA) 0.09
Shutdown Current Typ (µA) 6
Type Buck

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