Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions
SO 8

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AP2004 (Obsolete)

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The AP2004 integrates Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) control circuit into a single chip, mainly designs for power-supply regulator. All the functions include an on-chip 1.25V reference output, an error amplifier, an adjustable oscillator, a soft-start, UVLO, SCP circuitry, and a push-pull output circuit. Switching frequency is adjustable by trimming CT. During low VCC situation, the UVLO makes sure that the outputs are off until the internal circuit operates normally.


  • PWM Buck Control Circuitry
  • Operating voltage can be up to 27V
  • Under voltage Lockout (UVLO) Protection
  • Short Circuit Protection (SCP)
  • Soft-start circuit
  • Variable Oscillator Frequency -- 300Khz Max
  • 1.25V voltage reference Output
  • 8-pin SOP package
  • SO-8: Available in “Green” Molding Compound (No Br, Sb)
  • Lead Free Finish/ RoHS Compliant


• Backlight inverter • LCD Monitor • CDROM, XDSL Product • DC/DC converters in computers, etc.

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Efficiency (%) 90
Frequency (Hz) 300K ADJ
MaximumInput Voltage (V) 27
MinimumInput Voltage (V) 3.6
Output Voltage (V) 1.25 to ADJ
Type Buck

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