Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

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AP4341S (NRND)

NRND = Not Recommended for New Design


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The AP4341S is an output voltage detector for Primary Side Control System. It is a low power loss solution. It detects the output voltage and provides a periodical signal when the output voltage is lower than a certain threshold. The periodical signal can be coupled by the transformer to the primary side and provided as an awakening signal for the main primary side controller. By fast response to secondary side voltage, the AP4341S can effectively improve the transient performance of Primary Side Control System.

The AP4341S will enable a discharge circuit when it detects the output voltage is higher than a certain threshold.


  • Fast Detector of Supply Voltages
  • 33kHz Output Pulse
  • No External Components
  • Low Power Loss for Green Mode Applications


  • Adapters/Chargers for Cell/Cordless Phones
  • ADSL Modems
  • MP3 and Other Portable Apparatus

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Discharge Current (mA) 1
Discharge Voltage (V) 5.15
IOVP (mA) 100
OperatingCurrent (µA) 80
Power-on Voltage (V) 2.5
StartupCurrent (µA) 30
Trigger Voltage (V) 5.1
VCC Maximum Rating 6
VOVP (V) 5.25

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