Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions
W WLB2118 20

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The AP72200 is a high current synchronous buck-boost converter providing high efficiency, excellent transient response and high DC output accuracy.  The targeted applications are smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices. The AP72200 utilizes a four switches H-bridge configuration to support buck and boost operation. The buck-boost provides at least 2A output current. 


  • VIN 2.3V to 5.5V
  • Output Voltage range: 2.6V to 5.14V
  • 2A Continuous Output Current for VOUT=3.4V and VIN>2.9V Efficiency Up to 97%
  • 2.5MHz Switching Frequency
  • I2C Interface
  • Selectable MODE PFM/PWM
  • Ultrasonic Operation Programmable through I2C
  • Power Good Indicator with 5MΩ Internal Pull-up
  • Adjustable Overcurrent Limit
  • Full Protected for Overcurrent, Short Circuit, Reverse Current Protection, Over Temperature, and UVLO


  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Portable Consumer Devices

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

MinimumInput Voltage (V) 2.3 V
MaximumInput Voltage (V) 5.5 V
Output Voltage (V) 2.6 - 5.14 V
Switch Current (A) 4.3 A
Frequency Typ (Hz) 2.5M Hz
VREF Accuracy (%) 1 %
Type Buck/ Boost/ Inverter

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