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PI3HDMI2410 (Obsolete)

4:1 Non-EQ Blocking HDMI Switch

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Product Description

Diodes' PI3HDMI series of switch circuits are targeted for high-resolution video networks that are based on DVI/HDMI™ standards. Th e PI3HDMI2410 is a 4-to-1 HDMI Mux/DeMux signal switch. It is designed for low bit-to-bit skew and high channel-to-channel noise isolation. Th e maximum data rate support is up to 5Gbps which can meet HDMI 1.3a standard and support the resolution requirement of next generation HDTV and PC graphics. PI3HDMI2410 is designed specifically for ATC-Sink requirements. All switch control settings are through I2C bus to provide flexible design and reducing peripheral components. Selectable active signal buff er for DDC bus can optimize the bi-directional data transmission for long trace or cable applications. All input pins are protected with Diodes' ESD protection circuits supporting ESD damage as high as 8kV contact per IEC61000-4-2 Level 4 specification.


  • 4:1 HDMI Switch Mux
  • Non-Blocking EQ path for ideal EQ control in main Receiver chipset
  • -3dB bandwidth up to 5Gbps to support HDMI 1.3a (16-bit color depth per channel)
  • HDMI 1.4 data rate ready
  • DDC active signal buff er or passive switch selectable
  • I2C Register control for switch confi guration
  • Automatic HDCP reset circuitry for quick communication when switching from one port to another
  • HPD polarity control and signal trigger through I2C register setting
  • Connector Plug-in detection and Interrupt Flag setting
  • Selectable HPD 5V signal level shift er with open drain output stage or output buff er
  • 3.3V power supply and standby power supply
  • TMDS output enable control
  • Low power consumption to support Energy Star Compliance
  • ESD protection on all I/O pins
    • 8kV contact per IEC61000-4-2, level 4
  • Packaging (Pb-free & Green available):
    • 80-contact LQFP

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Analog or Digital? Digital
Compliance(Only Automotive supports PPAP) Standard
Configuration 4-Differential Channel 4:1 + 4:1 DDC Channel Switch, and 4 Sideband Signals
Differential Channels 4
HotInsertion 0
Lanes N/A
OtherFeatures N/A
Rail-to-Rail 0
Signal Type Differential
Single Ended Channels N/A
Ambient or Junction Temperature (°C) -40 to 85
Type 4 to 1
Voltage 3.3, 5

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Technical Documents

Evaluation Boards and User Guides

Recommended Soldering Techniques


Product Change Notices (PCNs)

A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
PCN-2567 2022-03-30 2022-09-30 Device End of Life (EOL)