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PI3PCIE3412 (Obsolete)

PCIe 3.0, 2-Lane (4-Channel), Differential 2:1 Mux/DeMux. 3.3V

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Product Description

The PI3PCIE3412 is an 8 to 4 differential channel multiplexer/demultiplexer switch. This solution can switch 2 full PCI Express® 3.0, lanes to one of two locations. Using a unique design technique, Diodes has been able to minimize the impedance of the switch such that the attenuation observed through the switch is mininal. The unique design technique also offers a layout targeted for PCI Express signals, which minimizes the channel to channel skew as well as channel to channel crosstalk as required by the PCI Express specification. PI3PCIE3412 can also be used for application up to 12Gbps.


  • 4 Differential Channel, 2:1 Mux/DeMux
  • PCI Express® 3.0 Performance, 8.0Gbps
  • Bi-directional Operation
  • Low Bit-to-Bit Skew, 10ps max
  • Low channel-to-channel skew, 20ps max
  • Low Crosstalk: -35dB@4 GHz
  • High Off Isolation: -22dB@4 GHz (8.0Gbps)
  • Low insertion loss: -1.3dB@4 GHz (8.0Gbps)
  • Return loss: -21dB@4 GHz
  • Support for DP1.2 - HBR2, HBR, RBR
  • Supply Voltage 3.3V
  • Packaging (Pb-free & Green): – 42-contact, TQFN (ZH42)


  • Routing of PCI Express 3.0
  • DP1.2
  • USB3.0
  • SAS2.0
  • SATA3.0
  • XAUI
  • RXAUI signals with low signal attenuation.

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Analog or Digital? Analog
Configuration Mux, 2:1: 4-Differential Channels
Differential Channels 4
HotInsertion 0
Lanes 2
OtherFeatures N/A
Rail-to-Rail 0
Signal Type Differential
Single Ended Channels N/A
Type N/A
Voltage 3.3

Product Change Notices (PCNs)

A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
PCN-2336 2018-05-24 2018-11-24 Device End of Life (EOL)