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PI3WVR12612 (Obsolete)

6Gbps 4-Lane DP1.2 / HDMI 2.0 Switch

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Product Description

The PI3WVR12612 is a multi-standard video switch with wide voltage range capability. It supports DisplayPort 1.2, HDMI 2.0, and emerging and proprietary standards. PI3WVR12612 can pass high-speed signals up to 1.2 V peakto- peak differential with a common-mode voltage from 0 to 3.4V. The wide voltage range allows DC-coupled multi standard operation. Eliminating AC coupling capacitors saves board space and improves signal integrity for dense PCB designs. The high speed channels can also pass 0V-3.3V CMOS signals up to 1MHz. In addition to four high-speed lanes, PI3WVR12612 also switches AUX, DDC, and HPD signals.


  • 4-lane, 1:2 mux/demux that will support RBR, HBR1, or HBR2
  • Data rate: 3.4 Gbps to 6.0 Gbps for high data channels
  • 1-channel 1:2 mux/demux for HPD signal
  • Differential switch matrix for DP AUX and HDMI DDC
  • supports 720 Mbps high-speed DP AUX
  • -1.8 dB Insertion Loss for Dx channels @ 2.7 GHz
  • -3 dB Bandwidth for Dx channels: 4.1 GHz
  • Return loss for Dx channels @ 2.7GHz: -14 dB
  • Low Crosstalk for high speed channels: -28 dB@5.4 Gbps
  • Low Off Isolation for high speed channels: -22dB@5.4 Gbps
  • Low channel-to-channel skew, 35ps max
  • Low Bit-to-Bit Skew, 5ps typ (between '+' and '-' bits)
  • VDD Operating Range: 3.3V +/-10%
  • ESD Tolerance: 2kV HBM
    • Packaging (Pb-free & Green):
    • -50-ball TFBGA (NEE)
    • -52-pin TQFN (ZL52)


Routing of DisplayPort and HDMI signals with low signal attenuation between source and sink.

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Analog or Digital? Analog
Channels 8,4
Compliance (Only Automotive supports PPAP) Standard
Configuration 1:2/2:1 Mux/Demux
Differential Channels 8,4
HotInsertion N/A
Lanes 8,4
Lanes/Ports 8,4
OtherFeatures None
Rail-to-Rail 0
Signal Type Differential
Single Ended Channels N/A
Ambient or Junction Temperature (°C) -40 to 105
Voltage 3.3

Product Change Notices (PCNs)

A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
PCN-2602 2023-01-31 2023-07-31 Device End of Life (EOL)
PCN-2433 2019-10-07 2020-04-07 Device End of Life (EOL)
PCN-2328 2018-04-12 2018-10-12 Device End of Life for tray packaging only