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PT7M8202 (Obsolete)

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The PT7M8202 series are highly accurate, low dropout voltage regulators with low noise, high ripple rejection and low current consumption for portable RF and wireless applications.

The PT7M8202 includes a reference voltage source, an error amplifier, a driver transistor, a current limit protection,a thermal protection and an internal phase compensator.

A noise bypass pin is available for further reduction of output noise. The output voltage for the regulator is set by factory trimming within a range of 1.2V to 3.3V in 100mV step includes 2.85V. The PT7M8202 series are stable with low ESR ceramic capacitors.


  • Output Current 300mA or more
  • Ultra-Low-Noise for RF Application:
  • 30µVRMS @1.2V
  • Quick Start-Up (Typically 50s)
  • Dropout Voltage: 270mV@300mA for 3.3V
  • Wide Operating Voltage Range: 1.8V to 5.5V
  • Output Voltage Range: 1.2V to 3.3V(100 mV Step)
  • Standby Current: 0.1µA
  • High Ripple Rejection: 80dB@1kHz
  • Output Current-Limit Protection
  • Thermal Shutdown Protection
  • Operating Temperature Range: -40℃~+85℃
  • Low ESR Capacitor compatible: Ceramic capacitor
  • Lead Free and Green Package: SOT23-5L, SC70-5L


  • Mobile phones (PDC, GSM, CDMA, IMT2000 etc.)
  • Cordless phones and radio communication
  • Digital still cameras and video cameras
  • PDAs
  • MP3 players
  • Portable devices

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Compliance (Only Automotive supports PPAP) No
Dropout Voltage Max (V) 0.35
Enable Active N/A
OperatingInputVoltage Max (V) 5.5
OperatingInputVoltage Min (V) 1.8
Operating Temperature (ºC) -40 to 85
Operating Temperature N/A
Output Current (mA) 0.3
Output Voltage (V) 3.3
AEC Qualified No
Quiescent Current Typ (mA) 70

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