Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

Image shown is for reference only. Actual package may vary. Refer to the product data sheet for package details.


Image shown is for reference only. Actual package may vary. Refer to the product data sheet for package details.


Image shown is for reference only. Actual package may vary. Refer to the product data sheet for package details.

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The TLV431 is a three-terminal, adjustable shunt regulator offering excellent temperature stability and output current handling capability up to 20mA. The output voltage may be set to any chosen voltage between 1.24V and 18V by selection of two external divider resistors.

The TLV431 can be used as a replacement for zener diodes in many applications requiring an improvement in zener performance.

The TLV431 is available in three grades with initial tolerances of 1%, 0.5%, and 0.2% for the A, B, and T grades respectively.


  • Low-Voltage Operation VREF = 1.24V
  • Temperature Range -40°C to +125°C
  • Reference Voltage Tolerance at +25°C
    • 2% TLV431T
    • 5% TLV431B
    • 1% TLV431A
  • Typical Temperature Drift
    • 4mV (0 to +70°C)
    • 6mV (-40°C to +85°C)
    • 11mV (-40°C to +125°C)
  • 80µA Minimum Cathode Current
  • 25Ω Typical Output Impedance
  • Adjustable Output Voltage VREF to 18V
  • Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant (Notes 1 & 2)
  • Halogen and Antimony Free. “Green” Device (Note 3)
  • An automotive-compliant part is available under separate datasheet (TLV431Q)

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Type Shunt regulator
Compliance (Only Automotive supports PPAP) Standard
AEC Qualified Yes
ReferenceVoltage (V) 1.24 V
Tolerance (%) 1,0.5,0.2 %
Maximum Input Voltage (V) 18 V
Sink Current (mA) 15 mA
Minimum Cathode Current for Regulation Typ (µA) 55 µA
Typical Temperature Coefficient (ppm/°C) 55 ppm/°C
Maximum Slope Resistance (Ω) 0.4 Ω
Operating Ambient Temperature Range (°C) -40 to 125 °C

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Technical Documents

Application Notes

ICP Reports

Spice Models

Recommended Soldering Techniques


Product Change Notices (PCNs)

A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
PCN-2512 2021-04-16 2021-07-16 Qualified Additional Assembly & Test (A/T) Site
PCN-2312 2018-04-11 2018-07-11 Qualification of Additional Bill of Materials (BOM), Top Marking, and Fab Source for Select Products