Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

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ZNI1000 (NRND)

NRND = Not Recommended for New Design

High Accuracy Temperature Sensor

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The ZNI1000 is a Ni thin film Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), specified to DIN 43760. The high temperature coefficient offers higher signal outputs than other RTD's, which results in higher accuracy with smaller temperature changes.


  • Resistance at 0°C: 1000
  • Nickel temperature detector
  • Specified to DIN 43760
  • SOT23 package
  • Application(s)

  • Automotive Electronic
  • Circuit Protection
  • Temperature Compensation
  • Temperature Measurement
  • Product Specifications

    Product Parameters

    Current for Steady State Measurement Max (mA) 3
    Current for Steady State Measurement Min (mA) 0.1
    Current for Steady State Measurement Typ (mA) 1.2
    Operating Ambient Temperature (°C) -55 to 150
    Resistance @ +100ºC (Ω) 1618
    Resistance @ 0ºC (Ω) 1000
    Tolerance -55ºC to 0ºC ±(0.4+0.028*|T|)
    Tolerance 0ºC to +150ºC ±(0.4+0.007*|T|)

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    Technical Documents

    Recommended Soldering Techniques


    RoHS CofC

    Product Change Notices (PCNs)

    A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

    PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
    PCN-2642 2023-09-05 2024-03-05 Device End of Life (EOL)