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ZXNB4202JA16 (Obsolete)

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The ZXNB4202 is a single chip power management and control solution for satellite Low Noise Blocks (LNB's). The highly integrated solution provides all the required FET and mixer bias, control detection and decoding, local oscillator switching and a stable power supply for the IF amplifiers and additional support functions.Packaged in a small 16 pin package the ZXNB4202 only requires a minimum of 3 external components providing a very small compact solution. Being at the heart of the LNB monitoring the control, power management and environmental conditions, the ZXNB4202 is able to provide reliable solution eliminating effects such as false switching and over loading.


  • Single chip LNB bias, control and power management
  • Integrated regulated supply for LNB
  • Zero volt gate FET switching topology
  • Voltage detection for polarization switching
  • 22kHz tone detector with unwanted signal rejection for band switching
  • No external control signal filtering required
  • Programmable mixer and FET bias
  • Temperature compensated protected FET bias
  • Full power management protection
  • Application(s)

  • Single and Single Universal LNBs
  • Mono-block LNB's
  • C-band LNB's
  • Product Specifications

    Product Parameters

    FTONE 22
    LNA Bias Stages 3
    LNA IDRAIN (mA) 15
    LNA VDRAIN (V) 2
    Maximum Total Load 80
    Mixer Bias Stages 1
    Mixer IDRAIN 10
    VG OFF 0
    VNEG (V) -2.5
    VOUT 5
    VPOL 15.5

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    Product Change Notices (PCNs)

    A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

    PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
    PCN-2512 2021-04-16 2021-07-16 Qualified Additional Assembly & Test (A/T) Site