Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

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The ZXRE060 is a 5-terminal adjustable shunt regulator offering excellent temperature stability and output handling capability. The ZXRE060 simplifies the design of isolated low voltage DC-DC regulators. With its low 0.6V FB pin, it can control the regulation of rails as low 0.6V. This makes it ideal for state of the art microprocessor/DSP and PLD core voltage POL converters. The device open-collector output can operate from 0.2V to 18V and regulated output voltage can be set by selection of two external divider resistors. Separating the input from the open collector output enables the ZXRE060 to be used to make low-cost low drop-out regulators operating at low input voltages. The ZXRE060 is available in two grades with initial tolerances of 0.5% and 1% for the A and standard grades respectively. It is available in space saving low profile 5 pin SC70/SOT353, thin SOT23 and very small DFN1520 packages. The ZXRE060 in TSOT25 has its OUT, GND and FB pins matching the Cathode, Anode and reference pins of the TL432 and TLV431 in SOT23-3, thereby facilitating simple upgrade paths.


  • Low reference voltage (VFB = 0.6V)
  • -40 to 125°C temperature range
  • Reference voltage tolerance at 25°C o 0.5% ZXRE060A o 1% ZXRE060
  • Typical temperature drift o0.2V to 18V open-collector output
  • High power supply rejection o (>45dB at 300kHz)
  • DFN1520H4-6 package o Smallest size for minimum board space


  • Isolated DC-DC converters
  • Core voltage POL
  • Low Voltage Low-Dropout linear regulators
  • Shunt regulators
  • Adjustable voltage reference

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Accuracy (%) 1, 0.5
Compliance (Only Automotive supports PPAP) No
MaximumInput Voltage (V) 18
Maximum Slope Resistance (Ω) 0.4
Operating Ambient Temperature Range (°C) -40 to 125
Power Supply Rejection Ratio (dB) 45
AEC Qualified No
ReferenceVoltage (V) 0.6
Sink Current (mA) 15

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