Compare: AH3320QNew Yes Unipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 180 210 240 155 185 220 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Unipolar Switch Compare: AH3321QNew Yes Unipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 235 275 300 210 250 275 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Unipolar Switch Compare: AH3322QNew Yes Unipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 15 30 45 5 20 35 30 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Unipolar Switch Compare: AH3323QNew Yes Unipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 38 55 72 20 35 60 30 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Unipolar Switch Compare: AH3324QNew Yes Unipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 68 80 100 40 60 80 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Unipolar Switch Compare: AH3325QNew Yes Unipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 80 100 120 60 80 100 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Unipolar Switch Compare: AH3326QNew Yes Unipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 65 100 135 50 85 120 30 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Unipolar Switch Compare: AH3327QNew Yes Unipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 95 115 140 70 90 120 30 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Unipolar Switch Compare: AH3328QNew Yes Unipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 130 150 180 105 125 160 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Unipolar Switch Compare: AH3329QNew Yes Unipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 150 175 200 125 150 180 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Unipolar Switch Compare: AH3522QNew Yes Omnipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 8 20 30 2 10 25 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage High-Sensitivity Automotive Hall-Effect Omnipolar Switch Compare: AH3523QNew Yes Omnipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 15 30 45 5 20 35 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
High-Voltage High-Sensitivity Automotive Hall-Effect Omnipolar Switch Compare: AH3524QNew Yes Omnipolar Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 20 40 60 10 25 45 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage High-Sensitivity Automotive Hall-Effect Omnipolar Switch Compare: AH3713QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z - 3 to 27 2.8 15 30 45 -45 -30 -15 60 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Bulk)
27V Open-Drain Hall Effect Latch Compare: AH3714QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z - 3 to 27 2.8 20 40 60 -60 -40 -20 80 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Bulk)
27V Open-Drain Hall Effect Latch Compare: AH3715QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z - 3 to 27 2.8 50 70 90 -90 -70 -50 140 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Bulk)
27V Open-Drain Hall Effect Latch Compare: AH3716QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z - 3 to 27 2.8 80 110 140 -140 -110 -80 220 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Bulk)
27V Open-Drain Hall Effect Latch Compare: AH3717QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z - 3 to 27 2.8 110 140 170 -170 -140 -110 280 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Bulk)
27V Open-Drain Hall Effect Latch Compare: AH3722QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z - 3 to 28 3 10 25 40 -40 -25 -10 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Latch Compare: AH3723QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 15 30 45 -45 -30 -15 30 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Latch Compare: AH3724QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 20 40 60 -60 -40 -20 30 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Latch Compare: AH3725QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 50 70 90 -90 -70 -50 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Latch Compare: AH3726QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 80 110 140 -140 -110 -80 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Bulk)
SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Latch Compare: AH3727QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 110 140 170 -170 -140 -110 30 -40 to 150 SIP-3 (Bulk)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Latch Compare: AH3729QNew Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 28 3 170 220 250 -250 -220 -170 30 -40 to 150 SOT23 (Type S)
High-Voltage Automotive Hall-Effect Latch Compare: AH1711Q- Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z - 2.4 to 5.5 2 -5 7 29 -29 -7 5 - -40 to 150 SOT23
Low-Voltage, High-Sensitivity Automotive Hall Effect Latch Switch Compare: AH1712Q- Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z - 2.4 to 5.5 2 2 18 45 -45 -18 -2 - -40 to 150 SOT23
Low-Voltage, High-Sensitivity Automotive Hall Effect Latch Switch Compare: AH1713Q- Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z - 2.4 to 5.5 2 15 50 88 -88 -50 -15 - -40 to 150 SOT23
Low-Voltage, High-Sensitivity Automotive Hall Effect Latch Switch Compare: AH1714Q- Yes Latch Single Open Drain High-Z Low - 2.4 to 5.5 2 2 18 45 -45 -18 -2 - -40 to 150 SOT23
Low-Voltage, High-Sensitivity Automotive Hall Effect Latch Switch Compare: AH3231Q- Yes Unipolar Single two-wire, current, Active Low 6mA 14.5mA - 2.7 to 27 - 55 90 135 35 70 115 - -40 to 150 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive-compliant Unipolar Hall Switches Compare: AH3232Q- Yes Unipolar Single two-wire, current, Active High 14.5mA 6mA - 2.7 to 27 - 30 60 90 10 40 70 - -40 to 150 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive-compliant Unipolar Hall Switches Compare: AH3233Q- Yes Unipolar Single two-wire, current, Active High 14.5mA 6mA - 2.7 to 27 - 20 45 70 3 28 53 - -40 to 150 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive-compliant Unipolar Hall Switches Compare: AH3234Q- Yes Unipolar Single two-wire, current, Active High 6mA 14.5mA - 2.7 to 27 - 20 45 70 3 28 53 - -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Effect Unipolar Switches Compare: AH3241Q- Yes Unipolar Single two-wire, current, Active Low 6mA 14.5mA ISO 26262-Ready, Diagnostics 2.7 to 27 - 55 90 135 35 70 115 - -40 to 150 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Unipolar Switches with Self-Diagnostics Compare: AH3242Q- Yes Unipolar Single two-wire, current, Active High 14.5mA 6mA ISO 26262-Ready, Diagnostics 2.7 to 27 - 30 60 90 10 40 70 - -40 to 150 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Unipolar Switches with Self-Diagnostics Compare: AH3243Q- Yes Unipolar Single two-wire, current, Active High 14.5mA 6mA ISO 26262-Ready, Diagnostics 2.7 to 27 - 20 45 70 3 28 53 - -40 to 150 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Unipolar Switches with Self-Diagnostics Compare: AH3244Q- Yes Unipolar Single two-wire, current, Active High 6mA 14.5mA ISO 26262-Ready, Diagnostics 2.7 to 27 - 20 45 70 3 28 53 - -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Effect Unipolar Switches with Integrated Self-Diagnostics Compare: AH3270Q- Yes Latch Single two-wire, current, Active High 14.5mA 3.3mA - 2.7 to 27 - 3 18 33 -33 -18 -3 - -40 to 125 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Effect Latch Switches Compare: AH3271Q- Yes Latch Single two-wire, current, Active High 14.5mA 6mA - 2.7 to 27 - 3 18 33 -33 -18 -3 - -40 to 125 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Effect Latch Switches Compare: AH3272Q- Yes Latch Single two-wire, current, Active High 14.5mA 3.3mA - 2.7 to 27 - 10 30 50 -50 -30 -10 - -40 to 150 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Effect Latch Switches Compare: AH3280Q- Yes Latch Single two-wire, current, Active High 14.5mA 3.3mA ISO 26262-Ready, Diagnostics 2.7 to 27 - 3 18 33 -33 -18 -3 - -40 to 150 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Latch Switches with Self-Diagnostics Compare: AH3281Q- Yes Latch Single two-wire, current, Active High 14.5mA 6mA ISO 26262-Ready, Diagnostics 2.7 to 27 - 3 18 33 -33 -18 -3 - -40 to 150 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Latch Switches with Self-Diagnostics Compare: AH3282Q- Yes Latch Single two-wire, current, Active High 14.5mA 3.3mA ISO 26262-Ready, Diagnostics 2.7 to 27 - 10 30 50 -50 -30 -10 - -40 to 150 SC59 (Type A1)
SIP-3 (Ammo)
SIP-3 (Bulk)
Two-Wire Automotive Hall Latch Switches with Self-Diagnostics Compare: AH3712Q- Yes Latch Single Open Drain Low High-Z Resistant to Physical Stress 3 to 27 2.8 10 25 40 -40 -25 -10 50 -40 to 150 SC59
SIP-3 (Bulk)
U-DFN2020-6 (SWP)
27V Open-Drain Hall Effect Latch Compare: AH3965Q- Yes Latch Dual Speed & Direction Open Drain - - - 2.7 to 27 4.7 -10 10 30 -30 -10 10 - -40 to 150 TSOT25 (Type A1)
Automotive Dual Hall Effect Latch with Speed & Direction Outputs Compare: AH3966Q- Yes Latch Dual Speed & Direction Open Drain - - - 2.7 to 27 4.7 8 25 42 -42 -25 -8 - -40 to 150 TSOT25 (Type A1)
Automotive Dual Hall Effect Latch with Speed & Direction Outputs Compare: AH3967Q- Yes Latch Dual Speed & Direction Open Drain - - - 2.7 to 27 4.7 50 75 100 -100 -75 -50 - -40 to 150 TSOT25 (Type A1)
Automotive Dual Hall Effect Latch with Speed & Direction Outputs Compare: AH3968Q- Yes Latch Dual Open Drain Low High-Z - 2.7 to 27 4.7 50 75 100 -100 -75 -50 - -40 to 150 TSOT25 (Type A1)
Automotive Dual Hall Effect Latch with Speed & Direction Outputs Compare: AH3975Q- Yes Latch Dual Speed & Direction Open Drain - - ISO 26262-Ready, Diagnostics 2.7 to 27 4.7 -10 10 30 -30 -10 10 - -40 to 150 TSOT25 (Type A1)
Automotive Dual Hall Effect Latch with Speed & Direction Outputs Integrated Self-diagnostics Compare: AH3976Q- Yes Latch Dual Speed & Direction Open Drain - - ISO 26262-Ready, Diagnostics 2.7 to 27 4.7 8 25 42 -42 -25 -8 - -40 to 150 TSOT25 (Type A1)
Automotive Dual Hall Effect Latch with Speed & Direction Outputs Integrated Self-diagnostics