A floating high-side driver enables bootstrap operation up to 600V. This allows these devices to be used on the high-voltage rails commonly found in motor drives and power supplies. A high peak current drive capability ensures the MOSFET or IGBT can switch quickly, delivering greater efficiency under high frequency operation. Inputs that are logic compatible down to 3.3V further simplify the interface between the controller and the power switches.
To protect the MOSFET/IGBT from shoot-through, all devices have matched delays and the half-bridge drivers feature a pre-set internal dead time. Additional self protection features include Schmitt inputs to avoid false triggering, a gate drive that is tolerant to negative transients arising from high dV/dt switching, and under-voltage lockout (UVLO) to avoid malfunction under low supply voltage conditions.
The DGD21xx series are supplied in SO-8 and SO-16 packages, providing pin-compatibility with other sources. For further information, visit the Company’s website at www.diodes.com.
Company Contact:
Diodes Incorporated
Francis Tang
VP, Worldwide Discrete Products
P: 972-987-3900
E: pressinquiries@diodes.com
Investor Relations Contact:
Shelton Group
Leanne K. Sievers
EVP, Investor Relations
P: 949-224-3874
E: lsievers@sheltongroup.com