Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

USB PD Sink Controller

The growing popularity of standard USB PD3.0 chargers for mobile phones and notebook PCs spurs demand to leverage standard PD3.0 chargers, replacing purposely and individually built chargers for battery-powered electronic devices and reducing e-waste. Equipped with USB Type-C® connectors and enabled by USB PD3.0 sink controllers, these new classes of USB-C PD devices (TCD) easily obtain necessary power from any USB PD3.0 compliance chargers and adaptors through a USB-C cable.

Extending our wide range of USB PD3.0 protocol controllers and charger solutions for energy sources, we released a pair of USB PD3.0 sink controllers: the AP33771C and AP33772S (I2C). These new products address the need for ease-of-adoption, as well as for fulfilling sophisticated and flexible system integration where a host MCU is available for various housing-keeping tasks.


The figure below shows USB PD Adapter using Diodes device AP43771V/H our latest Source controllers connected through USB Type C cable to TCD Device system using AP33771C configured through resitors to negotiate the appropriate voltage and power from the adapter required to power the system with out the use of microcontroller.


USB Source (Chargers) – Type-C to Type-C Cable – TCD (embedded AP33771, through resistor setting for required power profile – Voltage and Power)

USB Source (Chargers) – USB-C to USB-C Cable – TCD


The figure below shows the USB PD Power adapter that can power TCD device system using AP33772S which can be configured through I2C by a system microcontroller. 

USB Source (Chargers) – Type-C to Type-C Cable – TCD (embedded AP33772, I2C Interface to Host MCU)

USB Source (Chargers) – USB-C to USB-C Cable – TCD (embedded AP33772, I2C Interface to Host MCU)


Evaluation Boards:

  1. AP33771 USB PD3.0 Sink Controller EVB User Guide
  2. AP33771C EVB User Guide
  3. AP33772 EVB User Guide
  4. AP33772 EVB Platform and Firmware Validation Notes  (raspberry pi)
  5. AP33772 EVB Platform and Firmware Validation Notes (Arduino)
  6. AP33772S EVB User Guide


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