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AL1692-10E (NRND)

NRND = Not Recommended for New Design

Dimmable LED Driver

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The AL1692-10E is a high performance, high power factor, high efficiency, and high current precision buck-boost and flyback dimmable LED driver for triac dimmable LED lamp applications. The AL1692-10E topology provides an accurate output current over wide line and load regulation. The wide switching frequency operates at boundary conduction mode (BCM) to ease EMI/EMC design and testing to meet the latest regulatory standards.

The AL1692-10E LED driver integrates a 700V/1A high voltage MOSFET. It can cover both 120Vac and 230Vac triac dimmable applications with eliminating the external high voltage MOSFET and Varistor, which will reduce the system BOM cost. The AL1692-10E has the built-in thermal fold-back protection trigger point to automatically reduce output current. Other protection features enhance LED lighting system's safety and reliability.

The AL1692-10E dimming curve is compliant with the NEMA SSL6 standard. The AL1692-10E applies to a wide range of dimmers, including leading edge and trailing edge dimmer, to achieve deep dimming down to 1%

The AL1692-10E is available in SO-7 package.


  • Tight Current Sense Tolerance : ± 3%
  • Low Startup Current: 100µA Typical
  • Low Operation Current: 210µA (Switching Frequency at 4kHz)
  • Single Winding Inductor 
  • Wide Range of Dimmer Compatibility
  • Integration of 700V/1A MOSFET
  • NEMA SSL6 Dimming Curve Compliant 
  • Internal Protections
  • Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
  • Leading-Edge Blanking (LEB)
  • Cycle-by-cycle Over Current Protection (OCP)
  • Output Open/Short Protection (OVP/OSP)
  • Thermal Foldback Protection (TFP)
  • Over-Temperature Protection (OTP)
  • SO-7 Package


  • Mains Dimmable LED Lamps
  • Offline LED Power Supply Driver

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Accuracy (%) 3
Dimming Triac
Efficiency (%) 85
Frequency (kHz) 200
LED Current (mA) 100
Maximum DC VDD (VDC) 18
Maximum Input AC Voltage (VAC) 265
Minimum Input AC Voltage (VAC) 85
SupplyCurrent (mA) N/A
Temperature Range (°C) -40 to 150

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