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AP3595 (Obsolete)

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The AP3595 is a compact dual phase synchronous rectified buck controller specifically designed to deliver high quality output voltage. This device operates at adjustable operation frequency and is capable of delivering up to 60A output current. This controller integrates internal MOSFET drivers that support 12V+12V bootstrapped voltage for high efficiency power conversion. The bootstrap diode is built-in to simplify the circuit design and minimize external part count. The AP3595 features configurable gate driving voltage for maximum efficiency and optimal performance. The built-in bootstrap diode simplifies the circuit design and reduces external part count and PCB space. The output voltage is precisely regulated to the reference input that is dynamically adjustable by external voltage divider. Other features include adjustable soft start, adjustable operation frequency, and quick response to step-load transient. With afore-mentioned functions, the IC provides customers a compact, high efficiency, well-protected and cost-effective solution.


  • Operate with Single Supply Voltage
  • Simple Single Loop Voltage Mode Control
  • 12V+12V Bootstrapped Drivers with Internal Bootstrap Diode
  • Adjustable Over Current Protection by DCR Current Sensing
  • Adjustable Current Balancing by RDS(ON) Current Sensing
  • Adjustable Operation Frequency from 50kHz to 1MHz Per Phase
  • External Compensation
  • Dynamic Output Voltage Adjustment
  • Adjustable Soft Start
  • QFN-4Ω4-24 Package
  • RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-free


  • Middle-High End GPU Core Power
  • High End Desktop PC Memory Core Power
  • Low Output Voltage, High Power Density DC-DC Converters
  • Voltage Regulator Modules

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Efficiency (%) 88
Frequency (Hz) ADJ
MaximumInput Voltage (V) 13.2
MinimumInput Voltage (V) 10.8
Output Voltage (V) ADJ
Type Buck

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