Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

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AP3602B (Obsolete)

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The AP3602A/B are regulated step-up DC/DC converters based on charge pump technique. These ICs have the ability to supply 100mA constant output current or 250mA peak output current for 100ms from 3.0V to 5V input (2.7V to 4.5 V for AP3602B), so they can be used as white °Cs driver or flash °C driver. The AP3602A/B have very low power dissipation and high efficiency in typical applications. Other features include over-temperature protection, low temperature coefficient and etc. to meet some special requirements of hand-held battery powered devices. Only 3 external capacitors are required in applications, which helps to save space and lower cost. These chips also have a disable terminal to turn on or turn off the chip to ease the use.


  • Mobile Phone Backlight Driver
  • Camera Flash LED Driver
  • MP3, MP4
  • Handheld Device
  • Portable Communication Device

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Dimming No
Efficiency (%) 92
Function Charge Pump Bias
MaximumInput Voltage (V) 4.68
Maximum Output Current per Channel 250mA peak, 100mA Constant
Maximum Output Voltage (V) 4.5
MinimumInput Voltage (V) 2.7
Number of Regulated Output Channels 1
OperatingTemperatureRange  (°C) -40 to 85
Quiescent Current (µA) 0.013
Soft Start No
Standby Quiescent Current (µA) 0.01
Switching Frequency (MHz) 1.2
Typical Overcurrent Protection Current 300

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