Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions
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AP3983D (NRND)

NRND = Not Recommended for New Design

High Frequency Power Switcher for Off-Line SMPS

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The AP3983B/C/D family of power switchers is for power supplies with better conversion efficiency to easily meet energy star 6.0 and CoC tie 2 norms. , better voltage & current accuracy of ±5% max, and improved protection functions as OVP/OTP. Typical applications include charger, adapter for ADSL and home appliance power supply. This family regulates the output voltage and current in the primary side by piece-wise Pulse Frequency Modulation (p-PFM) in discontinuous conduction mode. 


  • Primary Side Control for Eliminating Opto-coupler
  • Better Transient Characteristics
  • Built-in N Channel MOSFET with 650 BVDSS
  • Low Start-up Current: 0.2μA (Typ.)
  • Internal Output Cable Voltage Drop Compensation
  • Hiccup Function to Improve Short Circuit Protection
  • Better Over Voltage Protection
  • Better Over Temperature Protection
  • Low Total Cost Solution
  • Output Power Range:
    • AP3983B for 6W Adapter
    • AP3983C (SO-7) for 7.5W
    • AP3983C (PDIP-7) for 10W Adapter
    • AP3983D for 18W Adapter
  • Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant
  • Halogen and Antimony Free. “Green” Device


  • Adapters
  • Set Top Boxes
  • Auxiliary Supplies
  • Appliances
  • LED Driver

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

CableCompensation 6%
Collector DC Current (A) 4
OperatingCurrent (µA) 650
StandbyPower (Max) (mW) 75
StartupCurrent (µA) 0.6
UVLOThresholdon/off (V) 15.5/6.8
BVDSS (Min) (V) 650

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