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PI3EQX25904 (Obsolete)

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Diodes’ PI3EQX25904 is a multi-data rate, four differential channels ReDriver™. The device provides programmable linear equalization, output swing, and flat gain by either pin strapping option or I2C control to optimize performance over a variety of physical mediums by reducing intersymbol interference. PI3EQX25904 supports four 100Ω differential CML data I/Os and extends the signals across other distant data pathways on the user’s platform.

The integrated equalization circuitry provides flexibility with signal integrity of the signal before the ReDriver, whereas the
integrated linear amplifier/buffer circuitry provides flexibility with signal integrity of the signal after the ReDriver.


  • 2.5 to 25Gbps Serial Link with Linear Equalizer
  • Supports SAS3/ SAS4/ IB FDR/ PCIe4/ UPI Protocols
  • Supporting Four Differential Channels
  • Handles up to 20dB Channel Loss (~30” FR4 Trace or 7m of High-Speed Low-Loss Cable)
  • Independent Channel Configuration of Receiver Equalization, Output Swing, and Flat Gain
  • Rate and Coding Agnostic
  • Transparent to Link Training, OOB
  • Pin Strap and I2C Selectable Device Programming
  • 3-bit Selectable Address bit for I2C
  • Supply Voltage: 3.3V±0.3V
  • Industrial Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C
  • Pin Strap Value Latched into I2C Register
  • Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant (Notes 1 & 2)
  • Halogen and Antimony Free. “Green” Device (Note 3)
  • Packaging (Pb-free & Green):
    • 42-Contact TQFN (9mm × 3.5mm)

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Channels 4
Data Rate (Gbps) 25
Lanes/Ports 4/4
Output Swing Max (mV) 1200
Programming Interface(s) I2C master/Slave, Pin Strap

Technical Documents

Recommended Soldering Techniques
