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PI5A3158B (Obsolete)

Dual SPDT Mux/DeMux Switch (Ron 8?), 350MHZ

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Product Description

The PI5A3158B is a dual high-bandwidth, fast singlepole double-throw (SPDT) CMOS switch. It can be used as an analog switch or as a low-delay bus switch. Specified over a wide operating power supply voltage range, 1.65V to 5.5V, the PI5A3158B has a maximum ON resistance of 12-ohms at 1.65V, 9-ohms at 2.3V & 6-ohms at 4.5V. Break-before-make switching prevents both switches being enabled simultaneously. This eliminates signal disruption during switching. The control input, S, is independent of supply voltage.


  • CMOS Technology for Bus and Analog Applications
  • Low On-Resistance: 8Ω at 3.0V
  • Wide VCC Range: 1.65V to 5.5V
  • Rail-to-Rail Signal Range
  • Control Input Overvoltage Tolerance: 5.5V(Min)
  • Fast Transition Speed: 2ns at 5.0V
  • High Off Isolation: -63dB @ 10MHz
  • Break-Before-Make Switching
  • High Bandwidth: 350MHz
  • Extended Industrial Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C
  • Packaging (Lead Free & Green): -12-pin TDFN, 3mm×1mm


  • Cell Phones
  • PDAs
  • MP3 Players
  • Portable Instrumentation
  • Battery powered Communications
  • Computer Peripherals

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Compliance(Only Automotive supports PPAP) Standard
Configuration 2-Channel SPDT
Differential Channels N/A
HotInsertion 0
Lanes N/A
OtherFeatures N/A
Rail-to-Rail 0
Signal Type Single Ended
Single Ended Channels 2
Voltage 5

Technical Documents

Recommended Soldering Techniques


Product Change Notices (PCNs)

A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
PCN-2505 2021-01-26 2021-07-26 Device End of Life (EOL)