Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

Category: Technology

Blog page thumbnail Small Efficient PoL Converters for Automotive Applications



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PI2MEQX2505 All In One Laptop

ReDrivers™ 信号调节器确保 MIPI 摄像头的信号完整性

如今高速互连的传输速率不断提升,已达到Gbps 量级,但这也让设计变得更加复杂。

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How a Robust Peripheral Driver Reduces Power Dissipation

We are surrounded by sophisticated electronic components; in our homes, cars, and gadgets. But these devices are only useful when they control or respond to something in the real world.

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Brushed Motors Are Not Going Away cover photo

Brushed Motors Are Not Going Away

Even when not taking into account the electrification of the drivetrain, the number of electric motors in the average car is increasing significantly.

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USB Type C PD3.0 Sink Controllers Enable Fast and Cost Effective Charging

USB Type-C PD3.0 Sink 控制器可实现快速又具成本效益的充电

By Ernest Lin, Division Manager, AC-DC Power & Lighting (APL) Division

Most of us seem to end up with a drawer filled with old chargers, either for mobile phones, notebook PCs, or battery-powered home appliances and power tools.

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Meeting automotive requirements for PoL Converters

符合车用需求的负载点 (PoL) 转换器

By Macgyver Lee, DC-DC Marketing Manager

现今的汽车犹如装在车轮上的电脑,内部拥有充满了各种必须供电运作的复杂电子装置。现代的汽车内部至少有 150 个电子控制单元 (ECU)

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Class D Audio Amplifiers with Integrated Boost Converters Enable High Quality and Power Efficient Sound Systems

整合升压转换器的 D 类音讯放大器,有助于打造出高质量、高功率的音响系统

By Leo Zhang, Audio Marketing Manager

拥有音频应用,代表随处都能享受音乐与智能技术:通勤者可在旅途中使用耳机聆听音乐,而在家中的任何房间则可透过智慧喇叭,轻松与具备 AI 功能的个人助理沟通。

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How Current Limiting Power Switches Improve Reliability for Automotive Electronics


By Wonsoo Moon, System Engineering Manager


汽车内电子控制单元 (ECU) 等所有装置的电力来源都是车内电池,因此容易受到电流尖峰或突波的影响,包括导通和关断时的突波。此等敏感性催生电性损坏保护的需求。


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pcie 3.0 packet switches are evolving to address power and performance concious applications

PCIe 3.0 数据包交换器持续演进,以应对注重功耗和性能的应用

作者:Jen Lee,营销总监

PCI Express ®(或 PCIe ®)架构已成为服务器和存储应用中首选的互连标准。云基础设施、边缘设备、电信网络、5G 基础设施、嵌入式系统和移动应用程序中越来越多的面向性能的计算需求也依赖于 PCIe。

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Electrical Threats to USB Type C Ports and How to Prevent Them

USB Type-C 端口的电气风险及防范方式

作者:初级应用工程师 Muhammad Zafar Kausar

消费者、工业及医疗等各类型的市场,皆需更轻薄短小、效能更高、功能更多、弹性更佳的装置。业界推出的最新 USB Type-C® (USB-C®) 接口及 Power Delivery (USB PD) 即可满足上述需求。

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