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AP1695-20C (NRND)

NRND = Not Recommended for New Design

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The AP1695-20C is a high performance AC/DC power factor corrector for mains dimmable LED driver applications. The device uses Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) technology to regulate output current while achieving high power factor and low THD. It operates as a BCM (Boundary Conduction Mode) which is good for EMI. The AP1695-20C internally integrates a high voltage MOSFET which can realize a lower BOM cost. The AP1695-20C provides accurate constant current (CC) regulation while removing the opto-coupler and secondary control circuitry. It also eliminates the need of loop compensation circuitry while maintaining stability. It can meet the requirement of IEC6100-3-2 harmonic standard. The AP1695-20C features low start-up current, low operation current. It adopts valley on switching mode to achieve high efficiency. It also has rich protection features including over voltage, short circuit, over temperature protection. The AP1695-20C provides the dimmable LED driver with a wide dimmer compatibility including leading edge and trailing edge dimmer. The AP1695-20C is available in SO-7 package.


  • Boundary Conduction Mode (BCM) Operation to Achieve High efficiency
  • High PF and Low THD (PF>0.9, THD<30%)
  • High Efficiency without Dimmer
  • Wide Range of Dimmer Compatibility
  • Dimming Curve Compliant with NEMA SSL6
  • Low Start-up Current
  • Tight LED Current
  • Tight LED Open Voltage
  • Valley-mode Switching to Minimize the Transition Loss
  • Easy EMI
  • Internal Protections:
         -Under Voltage Lock Out (UVLO)
         -Leading-edge Blanking (LEB)
         -Output Short Protection
         -Output Open Protection
         -Over Temperature Protection
  • Flexible for Design with Small Form Factor and Very Low BOM Cost


Mains Dimmable LED Lighting

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Accuracy (%) 2
Dimming Triac
Efficiency (%) 85
Frequency (kHz) 200
LED Current (mA) 300
Maximum DC VDD (VDC) 35
Maximum Input AC Voltage (VAC) 265
Minimum Input AC Voltage (VAC) 85
SupplyCurrent (mA) N/A
Temperature Range (°C) -40 to 105

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