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APR34509 (NRND)

NRND = Not Recommended for New Design

Secondary Side Synchronous Rectification Switcher

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The APR34509 is a secondary side Combo IC, which combines an N-Channel MOSFET and a driver circuit designed for synchronous rectification (SR), supports CCM, DCM and Quasi-Resonant Flyback Topologies.

The N-Channel MOSFET has been optimized for low gate charge, low RDS(ON), fast switching speed and body diode reverse recovery performance.

The synchronous rectification can effectively reduce the secondary side rectifier power dissipation and provide high performance solution. By sensing MOSFET drain-to-source voltage, the APR34509 can output ideal drive signal with less external components.

It can provide high performance solution for 5V to 12V output voltage application.

The APR34509 is available in SO-8EP package.


  • Synchronous Rectification for DCM Operation Flyback
  • Eliminate Resonant Ring Interference
  • Fast Detector of Supply Voltages
  • Fewest External Components


  • Adapters/Chargers for Cell/Cordless Phones, ADSL Modems, MP3 and Other Portable Apparatus
  • Standby and Auxiliary Power Supplies

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Internal MOSFETDrain Rating (V) 60
Min On-Time (ns) 1600
OperatingCurrent (µA) 100
Internal MOSFET Rds(on)(MΩ) 8
Turn-OffDelay (ns) 100
Turn-OffThresholdVoltage (mV) -11.5
VCC Maximum Rating 16

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Product Change Notices (PCNs)

A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
PCN-2512 2021-04-16 2021-07-16 Qualified Additional Assembly & Test (A/T) Site