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PI3EQX1204-B (Obsolete)


3.3V, 12.5Gbps 4 channel SAS3/SATA3/XAUI ReDriver with Pin Strap and I2C control

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Product Description

The PI3EQX1204-B is a SAS3/SAS2/ SATA3/10GE, 4 differential channels ReDriver. The device provides programmable equalization, output swing, pre-shoot, and de-emphasis by either pin strapping option or I²C Control, to optimize performance over a variety of physical mediums by reducing Inter-symbol interference.

PI3EQX1204-B supports four 100-Ohm Differential CML data I/O’s and extends the signals across other distant data pathways on the user’s platform.

The integrated equalization circuitry provides flexibility with signal integrity of the signal before the ReDriver, whereas the integrated de-emphasis and pre-shoot circuitry provides flexibility with signal integrity of the signal after the ReDriver.


  • Support up to 12.5Gbps serial link for SAS3, SAS2, SATA3, 10GE applications
  • Supporting 4 differential channels
  • Independent channel configuration of receiver equalization, output swing and pre-shoot/de-emphasis
  • Per Channel Activity Detector with selectable input termination between 50Ω to VCC and 200KΩ to VCC 
  • Pin strap and I²C selectable device programming
  • 3-bit selectable address bit for I²C
  • Supply Voltage: 3.3V±0.3V
  • Industrial Temperature Range: -40˚C to 85˚C
  • Packaging (Pb-free & Green):
  • 42-contact TQFN (9mm x3.5mm)


  • Servers, storage

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Channels 4
Data Rate (Gbps) 12.5
Lanes/Ports 4
Output Swing Max (mV) 1300
Programming Interface(s) I2C, Pinstrap

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Recommended Soldering Techniques


Product Change Notices (PCNs)

A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
PCN-2426 2019-08-06 2020-02-06 Device End of Life (EOL)
PCN-2328 2018-04-12 2018-10-12 Device End of Life for tray packaging only