Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

Tag: Discrete Products

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How Intelligent MOSFET Switches Are Replacing Automotive Fuses and Relays

The automotive industry's rapid transition to electric or hybrid vehicles, and increasing ADAS and ECU usage, result in more power and computational performance being required to drive new loads and process data in real time.

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40V MOSFET 元件提高電動汽車效率

汽車產業正經歷一場巨大的轉型,從內燃機迅速轉向由電池供電的電動汽車 (EV)。世界各國政府都在通過越趨嚴格的法規,並要求降低排放,而電動汽車是實現這些目標的唯一途徑。

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Brushed Motors Are Not Going Away cover photo

Brushed Motors Are Not Going Away

Even when not taking into account the electrification of the drivetrain, the number of electric motors in the average car is increasing significantly.

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Electrical Threats to USB Type C Ports and How to Prevent Them

USB Type-C 連接埠的電氣風險及防範方式

作者:初級應用工程師 Muhammad Zafar Kausar

消費者、工業及醫療等各類型的市場,皆需更輕薄短小、效能更高、功能更多、彈性更佳的裝置。業界推出的最新 USB Type-C® (或 USB-C®) 介面及 Power Delivery (USB PD) 即可滿足上述需求。

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load switch video cover photo


作者:初級應用工程師 Muhammad Zafar Kausar



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The Case for a Constant Current

The Case for a Constant Current

By Shane Timmons, Product Marketing Manager

Not only has LED technology all but completely displaced conventional incandescent light bulbs and fluorescent tube lighting, it is used far more extensively than any other forms of lighting technology that have come before it.

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