Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

Category: Automotive Applications

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How Intelligent MOSFET Switches Are Replacing Automotive Fuses and Relays

The automotive industry's rapid transition to electric or hybrid vehicles, and increasing ADAS and ECU usage, result in more power and computational performance being required to drive new loads and process data in real time.

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40V MOSFET 元件提高電動汽車效率

汽車產業正經歷一場巨大的轉型,從內燃機迅速轉向由電池供電的電動汽車 (EV)。世界各國政府都在通過越趨嚴格的法規,並要求降低排放,而電動汽車是實現這些目標的唯一途徑。

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Blog page thumbnail Harnessing PCIe 3.0 for In Vehicle High Speed Connections

利用 PCIe® 3.0 實現車內高速連接功能

隨著新車用電子功能和產品應用日益增加 (例如先進駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS)、智慧座艙、車載資訊服務和資訊娛樂系統),車內系統也必須跟上這些需求。

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Blog page thumbnail Small Efficient PoL Converters for Automotive Applications



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Meeting automotive requirements for PoL Converters

符合車用需求的負載點 (PoL) 轉換器

By Macgyver Lee, DC-DC Marketing Manager

Today’s cars are computers on wheels: full of complex electronics which all must be powered. Nowadays, modern cars include at least 150 electronic control units (ECUs).

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How Current Limiting Power Switches Improve Reliability for Automotive Electronics


By Wonsoo Moon, System Engineering Manager


汽車內電子控制單元 (ECU) 等所有裝置的電力來源都是車內電池,因此容易受到電流尖峰或突波的影響,包括導通和關斷時的突波。此等敏感性催生電性損壞保護的需求。

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switching converters


作者:電源產品商業開發經理 Ben Tang

電動功能是現今汽車的一大賣點,重要性可說比外觀或性能還高。駕駛輔助系統、動態輔助及資訊娛樂系統,包含透過最新的 Bluetooth® 及 USB-C® 介面提供連接功能或為行動裝置充電,是消費者購買決策過程的重要因素。

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reliable timing is essential for telematics

Reliable Timing is Essential for Telematics

By Kai Ying, Sr. Product Marketing Manager

With more insurers now referring to data provided by telematics boxes (T-Boxes), fitted either by the manufacturer or supplied by the insurance company—the use of T-Boxes is on the rise. Alongside providing independent and verifiable data, T-Boxes are also responsible for the overall connected nature of modern vehicles.

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