40V MOSFET 元件提高電動汽車效率
汽車產業正經歷一場巨大的轉型,從內燃機迅速轉向由電池供電的電動汽車 (EV)。世界各國政府都在通過越趨嚴格的法規,並要求降低排放,而電動汽車是實現這些目標的唯一途徑。
汽車產業正經歷一場巨大的轉型,從內燃機迅速轉向由電池供電的電動汽車 (EV)。世界各國政府都在通過越趨嚴格的法規,並要求降低排放,而電動汽車是實現這些目標的唯一途徑。
隨著新車用電子功能和產品應用日益增加 (例如先進駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS)、智慧座艙、車載資訊服務和資訊娛樂系統),車內系統也必須跟上這些需求。
現今的高速資料互連的傳輸速率日漸提昇,已達到Gbps 等級,這也讓系統設計變得更加複雜。
We are surrounded by sophisticated electronic components; in our homes, cars, and gadgets. But these devices are only useful when they control or respond to something in the real world.
Even when not taking into account the electrification of the drivetrain, the number of electric motors in the average car is increasing significantly.
By Ernest Lin, Division Manager, AC-DC Power & Lighting (APL) Division
Most of us seem to end up with a drawer filled with old chargers, either for mobile phones, notebook PCs, or battery-powered home appliances and power tools.
By Macgyver Lee, DC-DC Marketing Manager
Today’s cars are computers on wheels: full of complex electronics which all must be powered. Nowadays, modern cars include at least 150 electronic control units (ECUs).
By Leo Zhang, Audio Marketing Manager
擁有音訊應用,代表隨處都能享受音樂與智慧技術:通勤者可在旅途中使用耳機聆聽音樂,而在家中的任何房間則可透過智慧喇叭,輕鬆與具備 AI 功能的個人助理溝通。